1,5:4 Augustodunum

This leftward connection from Augustodunum is rather mysterious. It occurs on the boundary between two source-sheets of the Tabula Peutingeriana: that for Gallia Comata above and for Provincia below. My hypothesis is that the Tabula is based on a collection of chorographic "maps" which were neither drawn to scale nor obeyed any standard compass orientation, so that there was always difficulty matching routes between sheets.

In this particular case, the traditional reading has assumed a road from Augustodunum to the unlocated Aquae Nisincii (Talbert 679) where there was some kind of crossroads. Miller 117 proclaims this to be a proper road, Strecke 24. However the linework is so peculiar that it seems certain it has been added long after the original chart was made.

Emended as a thin black line, representing additions external to the parallel-reticulate network system.

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